How to Approach an Ex About Trying Again

Lately I don't know what it is merely I've been getting so many messages about text messaging.

Specifically: "Chris, my ex texted me Ha Ha, what does information technology hateful and how do I respond to information technology?"

So, I thought it would be prudent for me to brand a video for you lot so yous would accept an idea of how to answer to an ex boyfriend text.  Subsequently all, he went to the problem of reaching out to you.  But your mind is probably working overtime trying to effigy out how to respond to an ex who is contacting you and apparently might want you back.

So I am going to requite y'all a lot more than than only something to lookout!

The x Questions About Responding To Your Ex's Texts You Have Been Dying to Ask!

1 of the things you will learn today is non only how to respond to an ex asking how you lot are doing, simply permit me requite yous some answers now on  how to deal with a whole assortment of text message questions he might transport you such equally:

i. When my ex texts me, "I miss you".

He might indeed miss y'all a lot, simply if you are in the middle of your no contact period, be strong.  The rush of dopamine he was use to getting when yous were around is missing. He needs a fix. Don't give information technology to him just however.  Play you cards right, you can build greater value.

two. When your ex young man texts you out of the blue, what does it mean?

It probably means he is curious about yous.  Mayhap he is a nice guy and simply saying hello.  Merely more often than not, he is taking a temperature of the after breakdown climate to see if you are open to talking.  And so he may exist testing you to get a read on your willingness to reconsider.  Depending on where you are in the ex recovery process, information technology may be appropriate to ignore him or answer and slowly repair the communication lines.

3. When your ex texts you, "Hey" or "What's going on" or he says, "Are you lot missing me still"

These weak little messages are simply that. Weak and poor imitations of real conversation.  So if you lot are within the No Contact period, but ignore them.  If non, and then meet these texts with what I describe beneath equally a similar mirrored response.

4. What do you do if your ex boyfriend confesses he made a fault leaving you or pleads for you to forgive him?

If he acts this way right afterward the breakup, and so information technology is all-time you ignore him in most situations.  It'due south about likely he is feeling information technology and is desperate for some attending.  Simply he may non accept truly learned his lesson.  Now,  there are exceptions.  If the history of the human relationship has been strong, then perchance he made a bad fault and is willing to run across with yous and offer a heartfelt apology.

5. How exercise you respond to your ex saying, "I love you"

Well, mayhap your ex does love you.  So again, he may honey himself more and wants you to be effectually to ease his hurting.  You accept to inquire yourself, has enough time gone by for the wounds of the breakup to heal.  Stay true to your program and focus on your recovery and rebuild your conviction.  If he loves you that much, it won't become anywhere.

half-dozen. And how in the heck do y'all handle information technology when your ex's girlfriend texts you asking questions most him?  Ouch!

Hearing from your ex's girlfriend can be a flake awkward and weird.  If she is shopping for advice on your ex boyfriend, then tell her he is a wonderful human being.  Use a little bit of opposite psychology.  If yous say anything negative well-nigh your ex, she may go running to him to use it confronting you.

7. Why is he texting you then often?  Are in that location reasons why your ex texts you lot then much?  Is it good or bad.  What does it mean?

It probably ways he is a bit stir crazy.  If your ex is firing texts at you lot left and right, it could be for any number of reasons.  He may be impulsive and insecure and you are his rock.  And then in this style, he is using y'all.  Or he could be having a bit of a panic attack and merely can't assistance himself.  Then once more, your ex may be a real swine and is just harassing you with his texts.

8. What if he texts me every twenty-four hour period, just I am not interested.  How do I get him to stop?

Yous accept two choices.  Cake him.  Or transport him a prissy reply, explaining you are in a dissimilar place in your life now and would enquire him to respect your privacy and stop texting you.

9. I take been trying to avert my ex boyfriend but what if he texts me during no contact.  Should I break information technology.  I am agape I will lose him.

Information technology is a common fear people accept.  They fearfulness if they don't respond to their Ex's text message, he will requite up on them and information technology will be all over forever. Rarely does that happen.  It is much ameliorate to stay the course with your No Contact.  If you must, you tin can always send him a text explaining you need some infinite and won't be communicating for the next few weeks to heal and focus on other needs.

10. What if he texts me first with overnice things to say to me.  Should I stop the no contact rule and give him some other adventure?

I wrote a book called The No Contact Rule which talks about making exceptions.  This could be a time where you lot make one if certain other factors fall into identify.  If you lot have spend a decent corporeality of fourth dimension in No Contact and your relationship history has been good with him, then it would be OK to reply and proceed slowly.

At present Let'due south go over some ex dorsum texting fundamentals!

When Should Yous Respond To Your Ex'south Text Messages?

One of the biggest mistakes that I see men and women make when it comes to texting their ex is they text them too soon.  You can become and then excited and wrapped up nigh hearing from your ex, you but driblet everything you lot are doing.  Never heed that he just texts and doesn't call yous.  Or that it has only been 4 days since the breakdown.

You probably were and so invested in the relationship and miss him or her and so much, you lot are simply dying to hear what he or she has to say. Unfortunately, problems usually arise when you feel desperate to become the communications started upward again.

Information technology's really important that you lot first implement the no contact dominion when y'all're thinking of texting your ex and stick with it.

Why? Well, this can practise a lot of things for yous just mostly it'southward to make sure you lot don't act like this.

"Should I text him back.  What if I don't?  What if I do, but he doesn't respond! Why am I in this position to brainstorm with?

Now, I can go on and on almost the no contact rule and the many different of import applications that information technology serves for y'all when you're trying to get your ex back and why it'south important to do it.

Only I've already washed so many videos. I've written so many articles on it.  And then I think I've covered information technology pretty well for yous.

Then What Are The 5 Situations Where You lot Tin Reply To a Text From Your Ex?

1. Implement No Contact To Set the Stage for Future Text Messages

You guessed it.  Don't go chasing after your ex's text messages until after you have implemented No Contact.  If you do it sooner, before NC, or after, you are asking for trouble.  Angry and resentful feelings are always lingering nearly the surface soon after the breakup. Much more than often than not, you lot and your ex volition butt heads.

ii. Beginning Allow Time To Heal Before Y'all Attempt and Answer His Texts

Before responding to your ex boyfriend (or girlfriend), be sure yous have invested enough time to heal.  Breakups are hard on couples and you will be hurting emotionally and physically.  When your ex beau breaks up with you lot, information technology feels like a punch in the gut.  Your feelings will be raw and you will exist confused, stunned…all sorts of emotions will flood your mind.  So you demand quality time to allow for your body and mind to affluent out those stress hormones and recover.

3. Exist Certain To Build Value To Draw Your Ex In

You shouldn't exist even thinking of answering your ex'south text messages until you lot have had sufficient fourth dimension to build value.  I am not proverb you aren't already an awesome person.  But in that location are things you can do to cause your ex to meet that he made a mistake.  You want to reinforce that you have some special qualities that he has taken for granted and forth the way, option up a few new things that will crusade him to sit up and observe.  At that place are lots of things yous can practise to become the all-time version of yourself and make sure he knows almost information technology

iv. To Explain Briefly To Your Ex Why You Need Space (versus but ghosting him with no explanation)

In some occasions, it serves yous to requite your ex a heads up as to why you are adopting the No Contact Rule.  This works well in those situations where y'all believe he will react very poorly if you completely close down communications without him being enlightened of why.  You can briefly explain that you lot need to get in touch with your feelings and work on personal goals.  While your ex bf may still feel rejected and frustrated with your explanation, information technology shows you every bit being a classy person and serves you in the long run.

v. Reply To Your Ex's Text If You lot Deem It To Be An Emergency or Critical Data.

Simply please be reminded, before you text your ex, make sure you have gone through a no contact period of time where you have created some space and a communications blackout with your ex.  If an emergency has occurred, it is understandable you lot answer. If there is of import information you both need to commutation, then certainly attend to that, then return to NC.

When Shouldn't Y'all Respond To Your Ex's Text Message

Just to make sure we are on same right folio, there are certain weather condition that should be made earlier you text him dorsum which I described to a higher place. Nevertheless, you should know at that place are certain tricks and ploys your ex boyfriend (or ex girlfriend) might endeavor on you to induce you to respond. These texting rules apply before, during, and after the No Contact Period.

Let'south get over those situations in which you should avoid answering his text messages:

  • Immediately post-obit the breakup (24 hours).  This menses tin can pb to all kinds of chaos.  Best to let things calm down a flake
  • When your ex is existence sarcastic or biting nearly what has happened between the 2 of you lot.
  • Your ex sends you a drastic texting plea to meet to discuss the break upwards.
  • When you feel aroused and resentful.  Fight back those urges to text him considering it volition make things worse.
  • Avert texting him back subsequently the No Contact period if you are unsure if he is the right guy for you.
  • Just avoid answering his message if you suspect he drunkard texted you.
  • Don't respond to his text messages if you take already decided to move on and terminate the human relationship permanently

Four Kinds of Text Bulletin Responses You Can Send To Your Ex

Then, allow'due south assume you take washed all the things I described above to ameliorate your ex recovery chances. Now, what I like to do is give you four text message responses that should evidence effective with your ex fellow or ex girlfriend.

But first let's talk about the many different experts out there who may merely requite you simplistic answers to what is in reality a very complicated situation requiring planning and insight into the ex recovery procedure.   Some experts volition say stuff like,

"Don't reply right away."

But under some circumstances, equally you seek to build attraction, you may desire to reply promptly, taking the conversation to its peak, then ending information technology on its high point.

"Be Bubbly"

It does sound good, right?  Why not be happy sounding and positive.  It its a drag on your recovery chances if you are whining or sounding negative or blaming.  Simply you don't won't to audio overly happy in some situations, because information technology might not fit the situation.  You lot can come of as sounding superficial or as a person who is deluding themselves. Sometimes its pays to be more serious, more mature, even reserved in lodge to present the right image.  Being confident and and keeping your stuff together certainly is advisable.

Sometimes people say…

"Always have something interesting to say."

Actually I'm kind of guilty of that last i. Now, here'due south the important point. When someone says exist bubbly, have something interesting to say, don't reply right away, they are merely throwing generalities at y'all, where your situation may crave more of tactical arroyo.

That's kind of why I wanted to put this video together for you. I wanted to create something that was really specific on how you should respond when your ex texts messages you in a certain style.

But before we get into the details of that, in that location is an of import concept that I demand y'all to understand.

1. First Kind of Text Response: It's referred to every bit Mirroring

"I am one handsome devil."

No, not that blazon of mirroring.

When I say Mirroring, I simply mean mirroring your ex's text to y'all.

So, when your ex texts you, he puts a certain amount of himself into the text. He puts a sure amount of effort into information technology, if you lot will. Well, imagine that he texts yous with something like this.

How should you respond to that?

Well, if yous're not mirroring, you'll probably answer similar this.

Only the problem with that is, that'south not the proper mirroring. He is clearly not putting as much effort into the text bulletin equally you are.  Whatever the reason, it's not then cool is it.  And so, what would exist the correct manner to mirror his text?

Well, you'd simply do something like this.


Now, if that's too confusing, don't worry. I'g going to explain it a bit more when I go to the specific text messages. In fact, I think nosotros're already there. Let'due south just get right down to information technology.

Let's accept a look at 4 common text messages that your ex swain volition send to yous and how exactly you should answer to them.

two. Second Kind of Text Response: The Confident Text Reply

At present, let'due south pretend that your ex young man, subsequently spending a practiced amount of time missing you, sends y'all this text bulletin.

"I've been thinking about you so much!"

Well, your natural instinct volition be to think to yourself…

"Oh my god!! Oh my god!! He texted me!! He misses me!"

And well, I can certainly understand the excitement of having your ex boyfriend text you something like that.  I am sure it is exciting to finally hear from him.  But yous have to be careful you don't let all of your excitement drain into your text message. You lot don't want him to perceive you equally existence desperate or a wounded soul who volition practise only virtually annihilation to have him dorsum in your life.

You need to reflect conviction.  You demand to axle with value.  Remember, you are the Ungettable Daughter!

You want to reinforce to your ex that yous are a take hold of. Your are not easy.  He needs to do some chasing to  win you over.  And your ex beau has some communicable up to do to properly woo you over.

His text messages to you are his way of feeling you out.  He is like a hunter, trying to track you down.  So let him work on chasing you down because he will dear it, whether he realizes information technology or non.

Then instead of a bubbly or lightheaded text reply, y'all should confidently say something similar this:

"Well, of course yous practise."

It's flirting. Information technology'southward cheeky. It's confident, only non arrogant.  It is really a smart way to go.

3. Third Kind of Text Response:  More than Text Mirroring!

Now, let's render to 1 of the most common types of text messages your ex boyfriend volition send you.  It could happen anytime.  Remember, if he sends you ane of these kind of one word text gems during the no contact period, unless you are toward the end of your no contact timeline, so it's best you ignore him.  Otherwise here is how you handle these provocative texts you might receive from your ex (just kidding – nothing provocative or artistic with these kinds of letters!).

Sometimes your guy (or girlfriend) will just exam the waters.  He is not sure where your head is, so he may send you a kinda brain dumb text message.

You lot know, he'll get-go a chat with:




"How goes information technology"

Missing me notwithstanding"

Though that terminal ane may not be common.  It's a trivial assuming!

So, how do you lot deal with this?

How do you answer to a briefer than brief text message chat started by your ex boyfriend?

Well, at that place's a lot of different ways simply remember when I was talking most mirroring and how yous demand to basically mirror the endeavour that he'south putting into his text messages? You should mirror this text bulletin. So, if he says to you,


You should say:


Become information technology? Or if you actually, actually want to get technical, don't respond at all. He puts in minimal endeavor, you put in no effort. All-time in most cases, your replay will exist received positively.  It is a slightly positive response.  Giving him anything more than reduces your value.

four. 4th Kind of Text Response: The Stand Upwardly Text Bulletin

Now, unfortunately this side by side text message happens a niggling too much and it's painful when information technology does happen.

So, what is this text message?

Well, it's the stand up text message.

"Hey, I can't go out with you today. I got super busy."

This is a painful kind of bulletin to get for a lot of women, especially when they put in and then much effort. Information technology takes so much work to get an ex young man back, so when you go a text message where your ex is basically continuing you up, should yous act similar this….

"Hmm, can't leave with me huh??

Well, let's encounter what Sebastian has to say nearly that."

Well certainly, I don't want you doing anything similar this!

So, what's the play here?

Practise y'all simply just accept the fact that he stood yous up an basically lay down and accept information technology?


There is an appropriate manner of handling this and doing it with course and a little zinger at the stop.

The correct play is to send a message similar this.

"Oh, that's completely fine. In return, I met the near amazing people."

This text bulletin works really great because it makes him sympathise that there are consequences to standing you up.  It reinforces to your ex boyfriend that you are a person of value and if he keeps blowing y'all off, he might just lose you to somebody else.

It makes him understand that you're a hot commodity even works ameliorate if y'all really have pictures to go with information technology. So,  now he's not just thinking you're making it up, he can see with his own eyes that you are quite the popular girl and not fifty-fifty shaken by his lousy move.

Now, let'due south become to the final and probably most common and almost asked text message that I get.

five. Fifth Kind of Text Response:  See Him With Mirrored Silence  (Bonus Tip!)

I am giving y'all i more lesson. It'due south all about the dreaded one give-and-take response after y'all take put your heart and soul into a text message.

So, pretend for a moment that y'all sent this text message to your ex.

"I miss you and then much. I feel similar I am barely hanging on."

There's a lot of emotion in there. There's a lot of words in there. You put a lot of effort into it. Except after he gets the text message, he responds with this:

"Ha ha!"

And so, what exercise you do with this kind of insensitive text response by your ex beau?

Do yous get really angry at him for basically not responding how you lot wanted him to reply?

No, stay truthful to the mirroring tactic. If he says ha ha, you say ha ha right on back.  And so get silent for a several days.  If your ex boyfriend is going to at similar an insensitive ass, ridiculing your heartfelt text, yous need to ghost him for a while.

Simply don't respond to him for a good spell. You silence will speak volumes and reset the expectation that you accept no tolerance for immaturity

Make him understand that there are consequences when he doesn't put attempt into his text letters.

And that's going to do information technology for this video of the ex boyfriend recovery YouTube channel!

I desire to take a moment and thanks for watching to the end. If you lot'd like to learn more about text messaging, simply have some time and navigate around my website. I  have a quiz that you lot can accept on text messaging. I also have so many other resources that will likely suit your needs!

In fact, accept an entire guide on Text Messaging and it is a Bible on how to respond in all sorts of situations!


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